
星期五的午後,點播這首 The Heart Of Saturday Night~

Holly Cole的版本

The Heart of Saturday Night 週末夜之心,這首歌是 Tom Waits 的作品


每個星期那五天的工作要多麼忙碌,厭惡,或是多麼沒有意義,才會讓你到了週末的時候,恨不得身上不留一絲相干的氣味?生活要寂寞到什麼地步,才會讓你在酒 吧裡,雖然愛人在身邊,但聽著撞球檯傳來的撞球聲,霓虹燈茲茲作響的聲音,看著酒吧女侍若有若無的笑容,不決留下落寞的眼淚

找尋「週末夜的心坎」,聽起來像是「週」而復始的無止盡追尋。那必定不是一間酒吧,一種氣氛可以充數的,而是一種難以捉摸的感覺--當走進你上週曾經盡興 的地方,輕吮一口上週曾經點的酒,播放上週曾經心醉的音樂,週末夜的心坎還是與你若即若離,就像酒吧女侍眼角似有若無的笑


(Looking For) The Heart Of Saturday Night

Well, you gassed her up, behind the wheel
With your arm around your sweet one in your Oldsmobile
Barrelin' down the boulevard
You're lookin' for the heart of Saturday night

And you got paid on Friday, your pockets are jinglin'
Then you see the lights and you get all tinglin'
Cause you're cruisin' with a six
You're lookin' for the heart of Saturday night
Then you comb your hair, you shave your face
Tryin' to wipe out every trace
Of all the other days in the week
You know that this'll be the Saturday you're reachin' your peak

Stoppin' on the red, you're goin' on the green
Cause tonight'll be like nothin' you've ever seen
And you're barrelin' down the boulevard
You're lookin' for the heart of Saturday night
Tell me, is it the crack of the poolballs, neon buzzin'
Telephone's ringin', it's your second cousin
Is it the barmaid that's smilin' from the corner of her eye
Magic of the melancholy tear in your eye
Makes it kind of quiver down in the core
Cause you're dreamin' of them Saturdays that came before
And now you're stumblin'
You're stumblin' onto the heart of Saturday night

You gassed her up and you're behind the wheel
With your arm around your sweet one in your Oldsmobile
Barrelin' down the boulevard
You're lookin' for the heart of Saturday night

Is it the crack of the poolballs, neon buzzin'
Telephone's ringin', it's your second cousin
And the barmaid is smilin' from the corner of her eye
Magic of the melancholy tear in your eye
Makes it kind of special down in the core
And you're dreamin' of them Saturdays that came before
It's found you stumblin'
Stumblin' onto the heart of Saturday night
And you're stumblin'
Stumblin' onto the heart of Saturday night

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